Monday, June 11, 2012

Letter to Julia Gillard

I've just sent the following letter to the Prime Minister.  It will be interesting to see what, if anything comes of it. My previous experience is that neither Labor nor the Greens have the courtesy to reply to any correspondent who expresses sentiments with which they disagree.  Rude, ill-bred bunch!!

Dear Prime Minister,

I am writing to express my complete and utter disgust at the lack of recognition your government has displayed toward Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee.
 As a member of the Commonwealth, and one of the few countries still fortunate enough to be a Constitutional Monarchy, the people of this country had every reason to expect to participate in the world-wide celebrations.  Her Majesty is, under Australia’s Constitution, Queen of Australia and, despite the numerous luncheons, church services and other private functions held in honour of the jubilee, your government’s dismal failure to make any gesture, aside from the token lighting of a bonfire, does nothing more than demonstrate your unfitness to run this country.
            This is not a matter of the Monarchy/republican debate but, rather, one of honour, dignity and protocol – all areas with which a prime minister must appear to be conversant, regardless of his own personal opinions.  This would have been a wonderful opportunity for Australia to show the world that it is a mature nation capable of recognising and honouring the achievements of a world leader.  Unfortunately, however, you have presented the country as a petulant child who is sulking because he can’t get his own way.
            I urge you to follow the example other Commonwealth nations, such as Canada, by marking the occasion in a suitable way, perhaps by the minting of a Jubilee Medal.

Yours sincerely,

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